
The School of Finance and Taxation successfully held the 7th Innovative Forum for Doctoral Students in Finance in 2022


The School of Public Finance and Taxation of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics successfully organized the 7th Innovative Forum for Doctoral Students in Finance 2022 on July 2, 2022. More than ten universities and professional academic institutions, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Central University of Finance and Economics, Wuhan University, Fudan University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Xiamen University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, and the Southwestern University of Finance, were represented by experts, scholars, and doctoral students.Prof. He Jiaming, the dean of the School of Public Finance and Taxation of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, spoke during the inaugural ceremony. Prof. He welcomed the participation of faculty members and postgraduates on behalf of the School of Public Finance and Taxation. He also encouraged doctoral students to conduct academic research in response to the demands of the needed national finance and tax reform. He invited outstanding finance doctors to join the School of Public Finance and Taxation. Professor Li Jianjun, vice dean of the School of Public Finance and Taxation at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, presided over the inauguration ceremony.

The keynote speaker session was moderated by researcher Chen Long from the Editorial Department ofFiscal ResearchandFiscal Scienceof the China Academy of Fiscal Sciences.Someexcellent keynote speeches on "Current Economic Reality and Logic of Fiscal Policy Choice for Stabilizing Growth" and "Research Methods and Writing in Ec" were given by Professor Li Yongyou from the School of Public Finance and Taxation at the Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Researcher Ni Hongfu from the Institute of Economic Research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Associate Professor Zhang Nan from the School of Public Finance and Taxation at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.

Four sub-forums and over twenty discussions were presided over by Editor Zhang Shiguo ofManagement WorldEditorial Department, Associate Professor Yang Jin of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Editor Zhang Deyong ofFinance and Trade EconomicsEditorial Department, Associate Professor Song Yang of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Editor Chen Shuangzhuan ofTaxation ResearchEditorial Department, Associate Professor Fang Yuan of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Editor Yu Jiayin ofThe Taxation ResearchEditorial Department, Lecturer Zhang Tengfei of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. More than twenty doctorate candidates from several universities presented their theses. The visitors and delegates provided professional and in-depth feedback on the views, highlighted their strengths and weaknesses, and offered significant suggestions for future research directions.

After the conference, based on the subcommittee's suggestion and the organizing committee's assessment, one of the papers received the first prize, two papers received the second prize, and three papers received the third prize. The first prize was given to Zhang Daoyuan, a doctoral student at Renmin University of China, for his article "Study on the Evolution Trend and Driving Force of Labor Income Share in China from 1998-2016: a Micro Perspective". The second prize went to Zhao Yaohong, a doctoral student at Renmin University of China, for his paper on "Land Resource Allocation and Urban Innovation - A Study Based on Industrial Land Structure", and Zhao Xufeng, a doctoral student at Peking University, for his paper on "Inter-regional Insurance, Externality, and Optimal Transfer Policy". The third prize went to Wei Xin, a doctoral student at Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics, for "Internet Technology Application, Information Accessibility, and Multidimensional Relative Poverty Alleviation of Farmers", Zhang Suwan, a doctoral student at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, for "The Economic Effects of Horizontal Distribution of VAT between Regions in China: An Analysis Based on Multi-Regional CGE Model", and Luo Yu, a doctoral student at Central University of Finance and Economics, for "Environmental Regulation and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Effects, Mechanisms and Improvement Path”.The winners will be awarded certificates and prizes.

The Graduate School of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics provided substantial support for the forum's holding. The conference offered a platform for academic exchange for Ph.D. students in finance disciplines. It helped them develop their research ideas, spark theoretical inspiration, increase their awareness of innovation, and strengthen their capacity for innovation. This event improved the quality of talent cultivation for doctoral students in finance disciplines at our university and across the country, leading to prosperous finance disciplines.
