
The professional virtual teaching and research office's inaugural teaching forum and its kickoff meeting for the Ministry of Education's taxation program were successfully held


On July 2, 2022, to implement the spirit of the document "Notice on the Pilot Construction of Virtual Teaching and Research Office by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education," the Virtual Teaching and Research Office of Taxation of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics was officially launched. The first teaching forum of the virtual teaching and research office was carried out on the connotation construction and training mode of digital finance and taxation.

Prof. Li Yongqiang, a Vice President at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and a member of the Party Committee, Prof. Yang Canming, the President of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Prof. Wang Qiao, a Vice Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Finance of the Ministry of Education, former Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Prof. Shi Shaobin, Secretary General of the Teaching Steering Committee of Finance of the Ministry of Education and Vice Dean of Shandong University College of Economics, attended the conference and delivered speeches.

Vice President Li Yongqiang welcomed all the leaders, experts, and scholars to the conference on behalf of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). He also sincerely appreciated the business associates who had helped build and expand SWUFE.Prof. Li yongqiang pointed out that SWUFE, a national double-class construction university, is striving to build a world-class university with distinctive financial characteristics after nearly a century of development. The establishment of the virtual teaching and research department of taxation, as well as the application for approval of the Ministry of Education's first batch of pilot virtual teaching and research department construction, is not only a critical initiative of the University to fully implement the Ministry of Education's higher education informatization and education resources digitalization construction, but also an important opportunity for the University to better serve students.It is hopeful that the virtual tax teaching and research office will follow Xi Jinping's principles of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, actively research theoretical innovation and pedagogical innovation of digital taxation, explore the construction of a scientific and perfect system, model, and mechanism for training digital taxation talents, and promote the modernization of the digital economy and national governance.

President Yang Canming suggested the opportunities and challenges faced by the finance profession and the construction of digital finance and taxation.He made the point that the professionalization of the finance and taxation disciplines is aligned with the new development pattern of the digital economy. The digitalization of these disciplines has progressively evolved into the compass of change and improvement. A new chapter in the history of professional education building of finance via digitalization, intelligence, and high-order commercialization should be written by our institutions' higher education in response to the digital transformation trend of the economy and society.

The virtual teaching and research office of taxation majors in the Ministry of Education has a good foundation for preliminary construction, Professor Wang Qiao noted, and it is an important exploration of the development of new grassroots teaching organizations in the information age. He hoped that the experts and scholars attending the meeting would have in-depth exchanges to promote the majors of finance and taxation to a new level.

As Professor Shi Shaobin noted in his address, the virtual teaching and research office may naturally integrate the development of first-class majors and first-class courses, make full use of information technology tools, and overcome time and location constraints and school obstacles. The quality of taxation professional construction and personnel training may be vastly enhanced in the future through the virtual teaching and research room platform.

Professor Tong Jinzhi of Xiamen University and Professor Liu Rong of Southwest University of Finance and Economics respectively hosted the morning and afternoon sessions of the teaching forum's debate. The experts at the session actively addressed the development and exploration of the virtual teaching and research office. Prof. Liu Rong demonstrated the construction idea concept, objective, content, organization structure, operation mode and transformation of construction results of the virtual teaching and research office of taxation in Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.Wu Liping, a member of the Ministry of Education's expert group for the virtual teaching and research office platform building, explained the standard procedures and experiences of the current virtual teaching and research room construction.Director Yan Yan of the Sichuan Provincial Taxation Bureau's Big Data and Risk Management Bureau provided a thorough study of the meaning of digital taxation as well as its theoretical underpinnings, source of power for tax digitization, and future directions based on actual work in the field.From the perspectives of the digital transformation of the government and the market, respectively, Associate Professor Xie Bofeng of Renmin University of China and Director of Taxation of Tencent Group, Jeff Zhao, examined the new challenges and requirements of digital taxation governance and digital taxation market changes on the training of taxation professionals.Hubei University of Economics and Finance Associate Professor Wu Qiang shared and exchanged ideas with participants regarding the development of a digital taxation curriculum system, the development of computational logic thinking skills for digital taxation talent, the creation of a digital taxation laboratory platform, and the creation of a digital practice education platform.

Finally, Prof. Liu Rong made note at the conference's conclusion that there is broad agreement among universities in China on the significance of digital taxation for raising the caliber of talent training. The integration of industry, academia, and research, as well as the cooperation of government agencies, businesses, and technology sectors that depend on industry counterparts, are necessary for developing digital taxation. Students majoring in the construction of taxation should actively embrace the new challenges presented by the digital economy.
