
Research Institute of Public Economics and Policies

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Research Fellow: Shihe Fu

    傅十和,厦门大学教授,大学毕业于湖南城市学院房地产专业,南开大学经济学硕士,美国波士顿学院(Boston College)、中国社会科学院经济学博士。他的主要研究领域为城市经济学、环境经济学和劳动经济学,迄今在Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,《经济研究》等期刊上发表论文多篇。


    Measuring the Stringency of Land-Use Regulation and Its Determinants: The Case of China’s Building Height Limits, with Jan Brueckner, Junfu Zhang, and Yizhen Gu, Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (2017), 663-677.

    Corporate Sexual Equality and Firm Performance, with Liwei Shan and Lu Zheng, Strategic Management Journal 38 (2017), 1812-1826.

    Highway Toll and Air Pollution: Evidence from Chinese Cities, with Yizhen Gu, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 83 (2017), 32-49.

    The Effect of Beijing’s Driving Restrictions on Pollution and Economic Activity, with V. Brian Viard, Journal of Public Economics 125 (2015), 98-115.

    Wage Premia in Employment Clusters: How Important is Worker Heterogeneity? With Stephen L. Ross, Journal of Labor Economics 31 (2013), 271-304.

    Smart Café Cities: Testing Human Capital Externalities in the Boston Metropolitan Area, Journal of Urban Economics 61 (2007), 86-111.

    Commute Costs and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Satellite Campus, Journal of Economic Geography, with V. Brian Viard, 2018, forthcoming.

    The Effect of Housing Wealth on Labor Force Participation: Evidence from China, with Yu Liao and Junfu Zhang, Journal of Housing Economics 33 (2016), 59-69.

    Do Agglomeration Economies affect Local Comovement of Stock Returns? Evidence from China, with Michael Firth and Liwei Shan, Urban Studies 54 (5), 1142-1161, 2017.

    Searching for the Parallel Growth of Cities in China, with Zhihong Chen and Dayong Zhang, Urban Studies 50 (2013), 2118-2135.

    Impact Fees and Real Estate Prices: Evidence from Thirty-five Chinese Cities, with Xiaofang Dong and Yufei Yuan, Frontiers of Economics in China 8 (2013), 207-219.

    Economic Growth, Local Industrial Development and Inter-Regional Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China, with Puman Ouyang, China Economic Review 23 (2012), 445-460.

    Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing Industries: Urban Diversity or Urban Size? With Junjie Hong, Journal of Regional Science 51 (2011), 585-603.

    Information and Communication Technologies and Geographic Concentration of Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from China, with Junjie Hong, Urban Studies 48 (2011), 2339-54.

    Industry Specialization, Diversification, Churning, and Unemployment in Chinese Cities, with Xiaofang Dong and Guojun Chai, China Economic Review 21 (2010), 508-520.

    The R&D Survey-Patent Database Link Project, with William Kerr, Journal of Technology Transfer 33 (2008), 173-186.

    科研人才招聘需要“查三代?——基于16所经济学院教师教育背景和科研绩效的实证研究,与王军辉、洪永淼合作,《世界经济文汇》2014 年第3期。


    《如何撰写并发表英文经济学论文》, Judith M. Pereira 合作,格致出版社, 2012




