
Research Institute of Public Economics and Policies

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Research Fellow: Ricardo Mora Villarrubia

    Ricardo Mora Villarrubia


    Ph.D., London School of Economics

    Associate Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



    Quantitative Microeconomics


    Research areas

    Occupational Segregation

    Applied Econometrics

    Academic Qualifications

    Ph.D. in Economics, The London School of Economics, University of London, UK (1998)

    MSc. in Monetary Economics, Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI), Spain (1993) Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. (1991)

    Academic Appointments

    Since Jan 2008  Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Oct 1997/Dec 2007  Assistant Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Jan 1997/Sep 1997  Assistant Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

    Current Research

    Selected Working Papers

    Beyond occupation : the evolution of gender segregation over the life course (with D. Guinea-Martin and J. Ruiz-Castillo). WP 16-08. UC3M. Spain (Link to database)

    Dual Labour Markets and (Lack Of) On‐The‐Job Training: PIAAC Evidence from Spain and Other EU Countries (with A. Cabrales and J. Dolado) (IZA WP) (CEPR WP)

    The onset of female labor market participation and the role of intergenerational human capital transmission (with M. Machado and J. Carro). (UC3M WP  CEPR WP)

    "Segregated Integration: Recent Trends in the Austrian Gender Division of Labor" (with M. Kreimer). WP 13-17. UC3M, Spain. (Link to database)

    "A Kullback-Leibler Measure of Conditional Segregation" (with J. Ruiz-Castillo). WP 10-15. UC3M. Spain. (Link to database)

    Other Projects

    "Determinants of Teenage Fertility: the role of Mothers" (with K. Olivo)

    "Computing Decomposable Indexes of Segregation in Stata"

    "An Implementation of CART in Stata"
